Is passive solar energy the right choice for your home What you need to know
Many people like the idea of using solar energy to help reduce their home’s energy use. They tend to focus more on active solar systems when they think about how solar energy can help them make their home more eco friendly. Regardless of whether they are used to power a home or to heat water for heating systems, solar energy tends to equal solar panels for many people. There is another form of solar energy that you can use in your home. It is passive solar energy. Instead of using solar panels to harness the sun’s energy, passive solar systems allow the sun to heat a home and provide lighting. If you are interested in finding out more about passive solar systems here is what you need to know. How to utilize passive solar energy Utilizing passive solar energy is quite simple. All you need to do is to install windows that are south facing in your home. This will allow the maximum amount of light into your home and will also allow the solar energy to heat the interior of your home as well. This is the basic principal of passive solar energy. The key is to use energy efficient windows that will not let heated air escape as quickly from your home.
Changes to your home may be needed Some changes to your home may be necessary and some may be expensive. If you have a home that does not face south you may need to see if any of your windows do. If not you have the choice of either installing windows in the southern walls or working with a different type of energy efficient heating system. You may want to ensure that your home has a sufficient amount of insulation so that it can retain heat as efficiently as possible. By doing so you can ensure that you are using the least amount of energy possible to keep your home heated. You also may want to check out the pricing on solar hot water heating panels. These can be quite affordable especially if you use a panel that has been reconditioned or put together from other existing pieces of solar paneling. Another alternative is to use a heat pump in order to warm your home. This draws some of the heat that is naturally present in the soil and uses it to heat a home. It can be used in conjunction with other heating systems in order to keep a home warm without a massive ecological cost.