How Dependable Is Solar Energy
Solar energy has been portrayed as the best alternative source of power available, and in many cases this is true. But how reliable is solar energy as an alternative power source? Let us look at some examples of how the sun has been used in the past to answer this question.The Sun and its HistoryThe sun has been utilized throughout human history to heat water, dry clothing, cook and to warm homes. Even before the invention of electricity humans have learned to utilize solar power. Ancient Greeks 2,000 years ago had developed the first architectural designs to take advantage of solar heating. Even the Romans had used solar energy to attack enemy vessels, as large magnifying glasses were used to direct the suns rays to burn the sails of enemy ships.We can see that throughout history man has used solar power and reliably depended on it. What about today in modern time? Is solar power being used any more, or less, and how reliable is solar energy today?Solar Energy TodaySolar power is still being used today just as it has been used for thousands of years. People in developing countries still heat their water, cook their food and warm their homes with it. But with the invention of electricity mankind now uses solar power to produce electricity. One of the modern techniques to harvest the suns power is through the use of solar panels, with solar panels converting solar rays into electricity.By generating electricity from the suns rays many people around the world, especially in isolated communities, depend on solar energy for their electricity needs. More and more people are utilizing solar energy in this way, and it is becoming a very popular and affordable way to produce electricity.How reliable is Solar Energy?Is solar power reliable? Yes it is. However, the technological methods that we use today to turn the suns rays into electricity, is not 100% reliable. Solar panel technology has definitely come a long way, but it is still in its infancy stage. Every year better ways to harness the sun's energy are emerging, but the main obstacles at this level of technology, preventing solar power from being 100% reliable, is the weather.During cloudy and rainy days electrical power output from solar panels drop considerably. Its possible though to achieve 100% reliability from solar power, by integrating solar panels with a wind turbine to produce enough electricity for a household. In this regard the sun is a viable and reliable alternative energy source.