Does Solar Energy Have Disadvantages
With no corporate entities or government regulations to work with, solar energy is completely free following the installation of all the equipment. This type of energy is something that is untapped, renewable and clean which means that this will be a key makeup of the world's energy in the future.Despite a huge amount of advantages, it's true that disadvantages also come with solar energy. While it's crucial to have a balanced viewpoint, it's never good to focus on the downsides but you need to understand both sides. Solar energy cons? By taking a look at solar energy and the drawbacks, we can put into perspective the positives of the source.-- High installations cost. It's not possible to save money on energy bills in the long-term if you don't invest a lot of money in the foundation of your home's solar energy sources. Purchasing solar panels and hiring a professional to install them and wire them to your home is a hefty expense.-- Aesthetics. Solar panels can be placed on rooftops or on a ground-based grid, but many homeowners consider them unsightly because they often clash with traditional architecture.-- Little to no energy on overcast days. You may have it in abundance during the summer, but when shorter winter days arrive, you might find yourself trying to use less and less energy. It is impossible to control the weather, so if you live in a rainy climate or place with long, harsh winters, solar may not be your best bet.-- Sensitivity to pollution. The sad fact is that most people around you won't be as conscious of the environment even if you are. If you live in a heavily populated area with lots of smog, it can actually decrease the effectiveness of your solar panels to collect energy from the sun.-- Location dependency. City skylines can pose a huge problem to people who are based in urban parts because they interfere with the ability for your solar cell's to gather energy due to a lack of sunlight.While people in certain locations should consider these disadvantages seriously before committing to solar energy, homes or buildings in rural areas may be able to easily mitigate some of the downsides. For example, using a hybrid energy plan that draws from both solar and electrical power can provide a consistent supply of energy. Whether you adapt your home or office to solar power or stick with electricity, it is easier to make a decision once you have all the facts.