Joining The Debate on Solar Panels Are They Really Worth It
Solar power has been around for decades, but it has failed to become widely popular. This will change as energy prices continue to rise and oil reserves dwindle. Purchasing solar panels is a big decision that should be made appropriately. The first step is to weigh the pros and cons of this important investment.Before any decision is made, those looking to purchase a solar power system must consider the area they live in. Some local governments charge fees or taxes for the use of large equipment. Also, cities and towns have zoning laws that may require inspection of the property in question. This is to insure that installation can be conducted safely.The greatest advantage that solar power provides is cheap running costs. Most solar panels are guaranteed to last for 40 years, which is longer than any loan will take to pay off. After the initial investment, electricity is virtually free. On top of that, since there are no moving parts, very little maintenance is required. Cleaning the panels annually is all that is needed.Incentives are another great reason to invest in solar power. Many energy companies offer credit for electricity that is sold back to them. Also, most governments give tax breaks to those who use renewable energy or buy energy-efficient appliances.Another reason to go with solar power is for the independence it provides. There is no need to worry about power lines falling down, transformers blowing up, or blackouts. People who make the switch will also help reduce the worlds' dependence on non-renewable oil.The last advantage is for the planet. Solar power doesn't pollute or emit greenhouse gases, so it doesn't contribute to global warming. It's clean, efficient, quiet, and renewable. What more could Mother Nature ask for?The biggest drawback to solar panels is the upfront cost and installation. Depending on energy needs, prices can shoot up very fast. Households consume anywhere between 800 to 1500 kilowatts per month. The initial outlay in cost is well into the several thousands in pounds, euros or dollars and unless people are routed to their property they may never see the cost be outweighed by free electricity. Another issue is the large footprint panels need to generate enough electricity to power a house. This creates a problem for people who live on small areas of land.Mother Nature can create a disadvantage in the efficiency of solar energy. Night-time, snow, rain, and clouds are all variables that can hinder power generation. This can be helped by having a battery to store energy for future use. However, persistent bad weather will cause stored energy to run out. Purchasing a battery and inverter can potentially raise the cost of the entire system by thousands of pounds as well.Deciding on solar energy is very hard. It can be expensive, but financial incentives can help reduce the high price. Batteries will provide protection from power outages and inclement weather. Electric bills will be a thing of the past, and it's healthy for the environment. To the point, solar power is a long-term solution where the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.