Saturday, January 30, 2010

Residential Solar Power - Free Energy From The Sun Helps You Save On Energy Bills!


Residential Solar Power - Free Energy From The Sun Helps You Save On Energy Bills!
Residential solar power can be created by converting solar
radiation into other forms of energy that can serve your
household needs. Similar to other types of renewable energy,
solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly. On top of
this, solar energy is found in abundance and will not run out
for the next few million years.

Solar radiation can either be converted into electricity or
it can be used to heat up air and water. Heat that's
absorbed into air can be used to warm your room. Water
heated by solar radiation can be used for a hot shower or to
fill up your pool. When solar energy is converted to
electricity using solar panels, there is no limit to what
you can do with it. This is the most common way of tapping
solar power for residential use.

A solar (photovoltaic) panel typically consists of sections
of inter-connected semi-conductor cells. A cluster of such
panels, called an array, adds up the individual power
production to form higher energy.

Photovoltaic panels have to be placed in a location exposed
to direct sunlight. Very often, your roof is the ideal place
for solar panels to rest on. There, panels are kept out of
sight. And they are not sheltered by vegetation.

The light collected by photovoltaic panels is transformed
into electrical energy with the help of PV cells. Direct
current (DC) is generated, which are then converted into AC
current with the help of an inverter. When sufficient
electricity is generated from the sun, they are fed into the
mains to form a grid-tied system.

Homeowners with property in remote locations may often want
their solar power generators to be off-grid. As such, they
will need a storage bank to store electricity they can tap
on during the night.

In recent years, more and more homeowners have turned to
solar energy to bring down their ever-increasing electricity
bills. The major obstacle that prevents more homeowners to
use solar power is the cost. While it's true that
photovoltaic panels now cost only a tenth of what is used
to, a full setup still sets you back by at least twenty to
thirty thousand dollars.

Your dependence on fossil fuel can be reduced if cheaper
home solar panels are available. Fortunately, manufacturers
also make photovoltaic modules for sale to the public. You
can put these together to build your own residential solar
power panels at low cost and generate electricity for free!
However, there are many potholes on the road to success.
Having an expert to guide you along reduce your learning
curve and saves you from costly mistakes. Alternatively,
books written by experts help you avoid many frustrations

About the Author:

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build
several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you
interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE
"How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>
