Sunday, January 31, 2010

3 Tips On How To Start Building Cheap Solar Panels

If you desire to make cheap solar panels and how to handle simple tools, you are in an advantageous position to start cutting down on their electricity bills...for good. As energy price soar higher, you can be protected from increasing bills by building a solar energy panel for your home.

Many folks who desire to install photovoltaic panels often hesitate to begin the DIY work. The main obstacle is they do not know how. So if you're wondering what are the steps to start making these nifty devices, here are some tips for you:

1. Gather Photovoltaic Components

There are several parts that you need to gather - photovoltaic panels, solar mounts, inverter and possibly batteries if you want to take your home off-grid. To find out the specification for your photovoltaic components, you'll need to size up your solar power generator. To do this, you must first find out the total energy consumed by your household. Then do simple calculations to identify components that can supply your requirement. With the help of a solar calculator, you can crunch these numbers easily. This tool is supplied together with most DIY instructional guides.

2. Putting The Parts Together

After the materials and components are gathered, you need to assemble the parts together. Photovoltaic cells have to be contained within a structural frame (for support) and they have to be connected in an array. After different components are connected, you'll need to test the panel before fastening the cover. After this is done, you're ready for installation.

3. Installation

You can either do the installation yourself or engage a professional to do it. If you choose to install the solar energy panels yourself, you must make sure safety precautions are taken. Run through the checklist to make sure all connections are made and every part of the solar mount is gathered before going up the roof. You also need to be sure how the wires are going to be laid and where they will run. After the installation is complete, check the power output before connecting it up for distribution.

If you want to make cheap solar energy panels, a good instructional guide is a must. It explains much deeper on the above points and also provides simple, step-by-step instructions to guide you along. There are also tools (like the solar calculator) that you can use to make designing your personal solar power generator a breeze. On top of that, excellent guides show you where to get good quality, yet cheap components so you can build an affordable solar panel on a shoestring budget.

John Greenspan is an expert in solar energy panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>

