Solar Energy and Why We Need to Focus on It for Tomorrow's Energy Needs
Energy consumption is a huge problem in this day and age. Everyone is plugged into something; whether it is a computer, telephone, or even driving your car to and from work, you are consuming energy. Now, most of the time, this can have some pretty nasty results. Pollution, dwindling resources, high energy prices, destruction of habitats through drilling, oil spills that kills thousand of animals each year, you name it. No one wants to hear about that type of thing, but also, no one wants to stop living the way they are. Electricity has become a part of everyone's lives, and it's not going anywhere. So, where can one find a solution to the problems addressed earlier? The answer is simple. Solar energy, of course.With solar energy, there are none of the problems that come with traditional energy sources such as coal, oil, or nuclear power. There is no digging, drilling, leaks or spills. Since nothing is being burned, air pollution goes right out the window. Solar energy is becoming a very real possibility for relieving the burden of fossil fuels. If everyone added solar panels to their roofs, emissions would take a nose dive. Besides just powering our home, there are also exciting new possibilities on the way in solar-powered vehicles, as well as solar-powered chargers for everything from your cell phone to your laptop. The future is in solar power, an abundant, renewable resource. Perhaps the first of its kind and it's been staring the people of earth right in the face this entire time.It's very important that people begin looking more into solar power, as fossil fuels are a limited resource and could soon be a thing of the past. Just as coal used to be a major power source, the danger and expense of getting it ushered in oil and nuclear power sources. Now that these too are getting to be considered too dangerous and hard to get (not to mention, expensive), people are starting to think outside the box. Imagine a world with no power? Seems impossible, and that's because it is. The human race cannot survive the way it is now without modern technologies. With no power, those are all gone. Luckily, people are investing in solar, wind, and other alternative energy sources.Unlike some of the more traditional sources of energy, solar power comes cheap and easy. After all, solar power comes from the sun. No more paying the electric bill every month. With solar heating, you can knock down your gas bill too. Soon, you'll be on your way to more conscientious power sources that agree with your wallet as well. So, again, what are the pros to solar energy? After initial installation of solar panels, it's cheap and nearly (if not completely) free. It doesn't hurt the environment by pollution or drilling. No more oil spills! It's much more abundant, because it is created using the power of the sun. The cons? Doesn't sound like there are any.