Monday, February 1, 2010

Home DIY Solar Panels

DIY solar panels can help you save money on energy bills and the cash-draining effects of inflation. This is the reason many households are beginning to turn to alternative sources of electricity for their homes. As a result, they save hundreds of dollars in energy bills.

A sustainable solution to provide our homes with energy is none other than using renewable energy (like solar and wind power). However, not every area has sufficient wind to sustain them and not every homeowner has the financial prowess to own a complete set of solar panels. Even a partial setup will cost money that most will not be able or willing to afford. Is there a good solution to this?

Just like car maintenance and house renovation, some folks would rather build solar energy panels themselves instead of hiring a contractor. This is an intelligent move that can save them lots of money for the little time they spend. In fact, the DIY trend is getting so strong many businesses are expanding to serve this market's needs.

When we use solar energy, we can increase the overall value of our home and make our environment cleaner at the same time. Our carbon footprint will get smaller and if we all use renewable energy for our homes and industry, issues such as global warming and pollution will be a thing of the past.

If you intend to build your own solar energy panel and have never done so before, you may want to get a good instructional guide so you can learn the fundamentals. There are many good guides on the Internet to help you along. These guides are simple to understand. Their content is distilled into step-by-step instructions that even a seventh-grader can follow. All you have to do is learn by doing the steps.

Within a weekend, you can build your first solar panel. As in all other DIY projects, you'll take some time to master it. Some projects even bear the risk of failure. But with DIY solar panels, you can almost always generate electricity with your very first panel. Using the tips and insider secrets in the instructional manual, you can most likely build a professional looking project too.

One of the smartest investments you can make is to build your own solar energy panel. Apart from getting a great return on investment, you can hedge against the rising cost of energy. Yet there is another investment better than this - a good DIY solar guide. A good guide will cost you less than $50, certainly. But with the information that you'll know, you can build solar energy panels at a fraction of what it would otherwise cost you. On top of that, you can avoid costly mistakes that will easily cost you thousands, not to mention the hours of wasted effort.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Ambit Energy - The Power Of Opportunity

One of today's better-known, young (founded in November 2006) and successful companies practicing multi-level marketing is Ambit Energy. One eye-catching fact is that Ambit Energy does not sell the usual retail merchandise.

Rather, Ambit Energy sells a unique product - electric power. It is one of today's many retail electricity providers in the U.S. where power had been deregulated in such states as Texas, Illinois, and New York.

The mini-boom in the power industry (buying and selling of electric energy) may have been triggered by the demand for power after the deregulation. Consumers realized that they can switch energy service providers and save money as well.

In Texas alone, Ambit is only one of over 40 retail electric providers in the state selling retail residential and commercial electricity.

Residential customers in Texas (the leading model state for deregulation and the world's 11th largest electricity markets) shell out a whopping $24 billion dollars annually. Most of these customers may not be aware that theirs is the highest rate in the market.

Ambit comes in with the promise of savings and income-earnings as well.

Making money

Just like the standard multi-level marketing style, the business model that Ambit Energy has adopted may have been a successful choice. This can be seen from the number of Independent Consultants (that is how their representatives are called) they have and the volume of business they have accumulated.

The MLM template that they have adopted had been modified by the company to make it attractive and lucrative to their potential salespeople.

The Ambit energy consultant can choose several ways to earn, and all of them can build up to a rewarding amount of earnings.

One is customer gathering. In the first 12 weeks, a consultant can earn up to $400 simply by collecting customers. One sweetener is that the consultant can be counted as one, a website can stand for 2, and those customers that have already enrolled but have not transferred yet are counted too.

Next is team building bonuses. You earn $100 every time you sponsor a new marketing consultant (MC) and help that consultant enroll at least 4 customers in the 1st four weeks.

In the customer residual income, the company will pay you for every active customer through six levels. You will be paid with the amount of energy your customers use, which can be substantial cumulatively.

When new consultants join your group, you will also receive monthly residual bonuses on their customers through unlimited levels. This is called customer residual bonuses. The bonuses vary from fifty cents to two dollars for every customer, and these are paid to you monthly.

Finally, leadership in the company is rewarded by way of consultant leadership bonuses. When you qualify to a new leadership level, the rewards get bigger. The bonuses can go up to $240 for every new marketing consultant that enrolls four customers in their first four weeks.


Deregulation in the energy sector has driven competition among the energy service providers and suppliers. This, in turn, has driven up competition in getting people to gather customers in the sector by way of multi-level marketing.

To date, Ambit Energy has gathered both detractors and admirers in their business ways, specifically in attracting customers. Meantime, demand for energy is growing.

Now, a perfect plan would have to contain a perfect MLM marketing strategy, wouldn't it? Ambit Energy is laying out the perfect opportunity. So to create the lead flow essential to grow your business with a killer marketing strategy and a mentor that can guide you through the internet world. Take action now! Gain from this growing trend of online MLM Marketing strategies and give yourself an unfair advantage.



Solar Panels For Homes - Get Professional Installation Help Or Do-It-Yourself?

After getting the solar panels for your home, the next event decision you have to make is to either hire a professional to install the panels on your roof or do it yourself. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages, naturally, and I'll lay them before you in this short article. You can then make an informed decision to hire a professional...or not.

A quick search on your local directory or the Internet reveals numerous companies that offer professional installation. The cost of hiring them varies from state to state so be sure to check out different retailers and ask for their price and scope of service.

The advantage of getting a contractor to install your solar energy panels includes completeness and warranty. Professionals seldom miss out steps or materials needed for proper installation. Even if they do, they are obliged to return to your property to amend their mistakes. There will often be warranty for the workmanship and materials provided.

The downside of paying for a contractor is its high cost. Not only are you paying for the worker's time, you're also paying for part of the salary of his boss who sits in the air-conditioned office. Obviously they have to cover their overheads, and their customers have to for this. Cost is a big issue. Because if you're shelving out about $25,000 for the entire installation, your panels will most likely take more than 10 years to pay for itself. Most folks are not willing to wait this long.

But if you are willing to apply a little elbow grease and handle simple tools, you can do the entire job yourself. What's needed is a checklist to ensure completeness and knowledge so you can take care of your own "warranty" issues.

You'll first need to check whether your home is suitable for installation. Since you're probably living in the northern hemisphere, your solar panels have to face southward. Thus you'll need a south-facing roof and an area with little tree cover. Then you'll need solar mounts to fix the panels on the roof. After you're done, the cables must be laid to the inverter so direct current (DC) can be converted to alternating current (AC).

Installation details can be found in step-by-step instructional materials made by experts. They'll not only take you through the whole process, you'll be able to see how they do it as well. These guides come with videos so there is very little chance for you to make mistake. There will also be tips on where to get good quality yet dirt-cheap parts for your project.

If you have much cash to spare and want a hassle-free installation, get the professionals. But if you're someone who can follow simple instructions and don't mind a little hassle, then install the panels yourself. As such, you can recover your upfront investment much sooner.

John Greenspan is an expert in homemade solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Basic Home Solar Panel System - Setting Up And Installation

If you install a basic solar panel system, you can save thousands of dollars on energy bills annually. Although many folks dream of living in a solar powered home, not many achieve it. They are not able to experience the off-grid lifestyle. This is because most are clueless on how to get there.

There are 2 main ways to setup solar energy panels in your home - by engaging professionals or doing it yourself. If you have cash to spare and do not mind the long payback period of commercial solar energy panels, engaging professionals is the ideal way to go.

But if you want the most bang for your buck and want your solar panels to pay for itself in a much shorter period, the DIY route serves you well.

Setting up a complete solar power generator at home requires about $35,000 to $40,000. You only need a fraction of this cost in order to get do-it-yourself solar energy panels pumping electricity for your home. Using less than $200, you can build a photovoltaic panel that can last for more than two decades. This component can be built using simple tools and commonly available materials like wood, glass and masonite boards.

The number of photovoltaic panels you have to build depends on the size of your system. In order to size up your solar power system, you'll have to sum up the total energy consumption of your home. From this estimate, you'll also be able to know the specification of different photovoltaic components you need.

After the solar energy panel setup is completed, it is time to install your solar energy panels. You need a south-facing roof so as to capture the most sunlight throughout the day. You also have to ensure these solar energy panels are not sheltered by vegetation. The slightest shade can cause a drastic drop in voltage output.

In order to determine the best position for your photovoltaic panels, you may need a solar pathfinder. This clever tool enables you to read (at one glance) the shading condition at the area of your choice. You'll then be able to know if your intended installation site is suitable for solar electricity generation.

If you want to build your own basic solar power system, a DIY instructional manual can help you get started. You'll be able to learn where to get cheap and good materials, as well as techniques that only professionals know. You'll also learn what to do when you get into a rut.

Alternatively, if you know an expert, he can guide you along. But not too many of us know someone like that. Therefore an instructional manual is one good resource that helps you save thousands on your solar energy panels.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



DIY Solar Panel Plans - The Ultimate Way to Build Solar Energy Panels

We do not have much choice when it comes to powering our home. All of us almost always have to depend on the local power station for electricity. But things are different now. Some homeowners began experimenting with their own solar energy panels to power their home.

While using solar energy panels can be a good alternative to traditional source of power, it is very expensive to install them. The average homeowner will not be able to afford an upfront investment of $35,000 to $40,000 on a complete set of solar power generator installation. Besides, it will take more than a decade for their investment to see any returns.

Times have changed. Homeowners are now exposed to more options than before. While professionals used to install almost all the solar energy panels we use, there is now a group of environmentalists (who are also DIYers) who want to make a difference. They created DIY instructional manuals so folks like you and me can build our own solar energy panels for our home.

These DIY solar panel plans are both affordable and easy to understand. The content reveals tips and insider secrets that were not known before to people outside the industry. The information is presented in step-by-step instructions replete with illustrations and video clips so there is very little chance you'll make any mistakes. Many of these products also come with technical support so you can direct your questions to experts who can solve your problem in no time.

As you begin building solar energy panels, it pays to start small. This helps you gain valuable experience that makes your next panel a better, more efficient one.

Using tips from instructional guides, you can build a solar energy panel for less than $200. Each panel produces a portion of electricity that can be combined so the total energy production is sufficient to power your entire home. Many smart homeowners choose to move toward their goal of going off-grid one panel at a time.

With each additional solar energy panel built, their electricity bill decrease further. Soon enough, their energy supply will be free.

You may even build more panels than you need. As such, surplus electricity is generated and your local power station may be happy to pay you for it. By building your own solar energy panels, you can save money every month on energy bills. Over the course of a year, you may perhaps have accumulated for yourself thousands of dollars that can be added to your retirement nest egg.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Sunday, January 31, 2010

Make Your Own Homemade Solar Energy - 3 Steps to Free Electricity At Home!

There are various reasons why folks want to construct their own homemade solar energy panels. One of these reasons stand out -- people are tired of paying expensive electricity bills to their local power company every single month.

Not only that, energy bills seems to get higher without us using more electricity. Perhaps it's because of inflation...or due to the shortage of fuel with respect to its demand in the world. Whatever it is, the feeling of being held ransom remains. It seems we all have to pay whatever energy rates the power company demands. After all, if they are not going to supply us with electricity, our life will come to a grinding halt. All our appliances would come to a standstill and we'll experience much inconvenience.

Every now and then, we'll think of those lucky guys who are totally self-sufficient. They do not have to worry about their daily necessities, especially electricity. And they are always boasting about using renewable energy tp preserve the environment. Indeeed, when we burn fossil fuel to generate energy, carbon dioxide and possibly toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

The greatest benefit of using solar energy is the amount of money you can save. If you only save an average of $300 per month, you will accumulate about $3,600 per year. This is quite a lot of savings for the average family in our country.

If you're interested to make your own homemade solar energy, here are 3 steps that will lead you to the world of DIY solar energy panels:

1. Decide where you want your solar panels to be

You may need to survey the surroundings of your house (and your roof) a little to determine which locations are exposed to the most sunlight. By locating this ideal location, you can maximize the energy output from your panels and you may need fewer panels.

2. Construct your solar panels

This is the most enjoyable phase. By following simple steps from an instructional guide, you can make your own panels. You can also feel the satisfaction of creating something useful with your hands.

3. Install them on the ideal installation site

Finally, you have to put your solar energy panels at your predetermined location. Similar to constructing a panel, you can also refer to an instructional manual to learn how professionals do it. After they are set up, solar energy panels are basically maintenance free. This means you can harness cheap energy from solar radiation without worrying about recurring costs. You will also need very little time maintaining them - an occasional clean up will do just fine.

When you build your own homemade solar energy generator, you can depend less and less on your power company and save lots of money in the process.

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



3 Tips On How To Start Building Cheap Solar Panels

If you desire to make cheap solar panels and how to handle simple tools, you are in an advantageous position to start cutting down on their electricity bills...for good. As energy price soar higher, you can be protected from increasing bills by building a solar energy panel for your home.

Many folks who desire to install photovoltaic panels often hesitate to begin the DIY work. The main obstacle is they do not know how. So if you're wondering what are the steps to start making these nifty devices, here are some tips for you:

1. Gather Photovoltaic Components

There are several parts that you need to gather - photovoltaic panels, solar mounts, inverter and possibly batteries if you want to take your home off-grid. To find out the specification for your photovoltaic components, you'll need to size up your solar power generator. To do this, you must first find out the total energy consumed by your household. Then do simple calculations to identify components that can supply your requirement. With the help of a solar calculator, you can crunch these numbers easily. This tool is supplied together with most DIY instructional guides.

2. Putting The Parts Together

After the materials and components are gathered, you need to assemble the parts together. Photovoltaic cells have to be contained within a structural frame (for support) and they have to be connected in an array. After different components are connected, you'll need to test the panel before fastening the cover. After this is done, you're ready for installation.

3. Installation

You can either do the installation yourself or engage a professional to do it. If you choose to install the solar energy panels yourself, you must make sure safety precautions are taken. Run through the checklist to make sure all connections are made and every part of the solar mount is gathered before going up the roof. You also need to be sure how the wires are going to be laid and where they will run. After the installation is complete, check the power output before connecting it up for distribution.

If you want to make cheap solar energy panels, a good instructional guide is a must. It explains much deeper on the above points and also provides simple, step-by-step instructions to guide you along. There are also tools (like the solar calculator) that you can use to make designing your personal solar power generator a breeze. On top of that, excellent guides show you where to get good quality, yet cheap components so you can build an affordable solar panel on a shoestring budget.

John Greenspan is an expert in solar energy panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Are Homemade Residential Solar Panels Really Better Than Commercial Ones?

Residential solar panels are usually installed when a family wants to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel. Traditionally, many families will call up a contractor to supply and install their solar energy panels. However, a group of DIYers are bucking the trend, claiming that DIY panels are far better than commercial ones. Is there any truth to their statement? Let's take a look...

If you want convenience, ready-made commercial panels are undoubtedly the best. Within a day, your contractor can mount all the photovoltaic panels on your roof, run the cabling and install all the other parts of the solar power generator. After they're done, you'll only have to pay them and you are ready to use renewable energy from that point. Pretty straightforward. However, the cost of hiring these professional could have burnt a hole in your pocket if they are not deep enough. What do I mean?

A complete solar power installation can easily cost you at least $30,000 to $40,000. Considering the benefits above, some household may be able to part with this kind of money. But this is not true for everyone. In fact, most homeowners will have to take a loan against the photovoltaic equipment. As such, they will eventually pay more due to the interest accrued.

As cost is a major concern for most people, many are turning to making their own photovoltaic generators. By combining several solar cells mounted on a frame, they are able to make a decent power-generating panel that can produce electricity for their home. After constructing a number of these panels, these DIYers are able to be independent from their local power station.

If you happen to wonder how difficult it is to build your own solar power generator, go to the Internet to do a little research. You'll find it's as easy as following simple, step-by-step instructions from DIY solar guides that you can buy for less than $50.

Making your own photovoltaic panels is definitely the most affordable option. With less than $200, you are able to build a piece of photovoltaic panel that works for you as long as it is day. The materials needed are commonly found from your local hardware retailer or from Internet sites such as eBay. They are also relatively cheap.

The downside about building a DIY solar power system is the time and effort involved. After all, if you've never built any photovoltaic panels before, you'll have to learn how to - and this involves a little time. But if you are able to roll up your sleeves and apply a little elbow grease, you'll acquire an asset that costs far lesser than commercial panels. The payback period will also be dramatically shorter.

John Greenspan is an expert in homemade solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Residential Solar Power - Siphon Energy From The Sun And Save On Electricity Bills!

Residential solar power can be generated by converting solar radiation into electricity. This can in turn by converted to other forms of energy to serve your household needs. As solar power is a type of renewable energy, it is clean and environmentally friendly. More than that, solar energy is available in abundance and will continue to be for another few million years.

Solar radiation can either be converted into electricity or it can be used to heat up air and water. Heat absorbed by air can be used to warm up your room. Water heated by solar radiation can be used for a hot shower or to fill up your pool. When solar energy is converted to electricity using solar panels, there is no limit to what you can do with it. This is the most common way of tapping solar power for residential use.

A solar (photovoltaic) panel typically consists of sections of inter-connected semi-conductor cells. A cluster of such panels, called an array, adds up the individual power production to form higher energy.

Photovoltaic panels must be placed in a location exposed to direct sunlight. Very often, your roof is the ideal place for solar panels to rest on. There, panels are kept out of sight. And they are not sheltered by vegetation.

The light collected by photovoltaic panels is transformed into electrical energy with the help of PV cells. Direct current (DC) is generated, which are then converted into AC current with the help of an inverter. When sufficient electricity is generated from the sun, they are fed into the mains to form a grid-tied system.

Homeowners with property in remote locations may often want their solar power generators to be off-grid. As such, they will need a storage bank to store electricity they can tap on during the night.

In recent years, more and more homeowners have turned to solar energy to bring down their ever-increasing electricity bills. A major factor that prevents more homeowners to adopt solar power is its cost. While it's true that photovoltaic panels now cost only a tenth of what is used to, a full setup still sets you back by at least twenty to thirty thousand dollars.

Your dependence on fossil fuel can be reduced if cheaper home solar panels are available. Fortunately, manufacturers also make photovoltaic modules for sale to the public. You can put these together to build your own residential solar power panels at low cost and generate electricity for free! However, there are many potholes on the road to success. Having an expert to guide you along reduce your learning curve and saves you from costly mistakes. Alternatively, books written by experts help you avoid many frustrations too.

John Greenspan is an expert in do it yourself solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Energy Saving Home Improvements For Older Homes

If you live in an older home, especially if it was built during a rapid growth period to support industries long gone, it's very likely that you live in a wooden box that allows much of your heated or cooled air to escape with ease. It's likely that this old and ancient form of home construction is responsible for your energy costs being three to five times greater than that of a similarly sized new home.

Why is this? Why is your home missing many of the basic things that are standard on new homes? There are a few possibilities...

- since coal and wood heat were so cheap at the time of construction, thoughts of sealing the home may have been viewed as an unnecessary expense.

- the home was deliberately built to allow air to enter the home since the use of multiple coal or wood burning stoves required large amounts of fresh air.

- the home was built as quickly and as cheaply as possible to entice families to locate there in an effort to increase the available work force.

The two major issues with older home construction is excessive 'air infiltration' and inadequate 'insulation'.


Air infiltration is the process by which air enters through cracks and crevices in the siding, through roof overhangs, and around door and window frames. Infiltration, or 'drafts' is the direct result of 'loose construction' due to the lack of seals around the edges of doors, windows, siding and roofing.

If it were possible to find and measure the length of the crack around every window, door and unnecessary opening, your total crack length could easily surpass 300 linear feet (16 linear feet per window, 20 linear feet per door and 100 linear feet to cover all remaining cracks and openings). If the average crack width is just one-eighth of an inch in size (I'm being conservative) and the length of crack is 300 linear feet (3600 inches), the actual hole size, were it to exist in just one place, would be 450 square inches or a hole that is 21.2 inches wide by 21.2 inches wide. In essence, you have a 2 ft. x 2 ft. window wide open all year long, regardless of how hot or cold the outside temperature is.

Your goal is to find a way to shut that virtual window. Short of totally renovating the home, you'll never eliminate every draft, but you can make a noticable dent if you do what is necessary to reduce the amount of air infiltration to one third or less of its current level.


Insulation is gauged by an 'R-Value' which is simply a measure of 'R'esistance to hot or cold. The higher the r-value, the harder it is for heated or cooled air to pass through.

The outside walls on newer homes are often insulated to a r-value of 19 or more. Their attic spaces can easily be insulated to a r-value of 30 or more. In comparison, most older homes have inadequate insulation values that struggle to reach an r-value of 2 to 3 if you give credit to the layers of wood and siding, but this is almost negligible.

Even the tiniest bit of insulating can make a big difference. When performing heating load calculations, a wall with no insulation gets a heating loss multiplier of 19, compared to having a multiplier of only 6 if a 3 1/2 layer of R-11 insulation were added. That first level of protection decreases the loss of heat through the wall by 3 times! Even more phenomenal, an attic ceiling with no insulation gets a heating loss multiplier of 42. This too can be reduced to a multiplier of only 6 by adding that first layer of R-11 insulation, decreasing the heat loss by 7 times!

More insulation means even more savings. To further cut your heating loss in half, increase your insulation value from 3 1/2 inch (R-11) to 6 inch (R-19) where space permits. Your goal is to increase your homes resistance to outside temperatures by twice its current value or more.


When looking at older windows, you have the following options:

1. If the window has a single pane and its storm window is missing or damaged, don't waste your time and material on repairs since it would be more cost effective and quicker to install a modern replacement window that will seal better and be easier to use and clean.

2. If the window is single pane and has adequate storm windows, replace any missing or loose caulking around the outside edges of the window pane(s) and re-caulk around both the inside and outside of the storm window, leaving the bottom weep holes uncaulked.

3. If the window uses weights to open and close, a large area exists next to each window to hide the weights. Remove the moldings that cover the weights and seal each inside corner edge of the cavern with non-expanding foam spray. Once dry, pad the back area with R-11 to R-13 insulation. Be sure to leave adequate space for the weights to move.

- If the ropes to your weights are broken, replace the lines with new. Clothesline rope generally works fine.

4. During colder winter months where the window would not normally be opened, you could also encase the inside of the window by installing a heat shrinkable plastic kit.

5. If the solid wood frame window does not close enough to allow for the locking mechanism to engage, the window will not be able to be closed tightly. It may be necessary to remove the bottom window and plane its bottom edge to provide additional space for the window to close properly.

6. If the window closes well, but it's obvious that the window is not sealed tight against the window base, foam based weather stripping could be installed on the base of the window to help create a better seal.

- Many older wooden windows have uneven gaps at the base, making the use of weather stripping difficult. To resolve this, open the window and place a large bead of caulking on the window sill along the entire width of the center of where the window would close. Cover the caulking lightly with plastic wrap, overlapping the caulking by several inches both towards you and away from you. Close the window gently and tightly and let sit for at least 24 hours. Once the caulking has cured, open the window and remove the plastic wrap, and behold, you now have a weather seal that fits your window base perfectly.


When looking at older doors, you have the following options:

1. If the door is a solid core wooden door with a large section of single pane glass, cut a piece of Plexiglas one half inch larger than the total width and height of the glass. Using clear silicon caulking, apply a thin bead along the perimeter of the Plexiglas and set in place on the wooden door, over the glass area, leaving a void between the existing glass and Plexiglas. Add a border molding as desired.

2. If a storm door does not exist or if the existing storm door is in poor shape, install a new storm door.

3. For any type of door, add additional weather seals along the top and sides if air passes through when closed. Likewise, install new weather stripping to the base if air passes through when closed.

4. If an exterior door has an ancient skeleton key system, air will blow right through its keyhole. Replace this form of lock with new and you will eliminate this needless draft.


For a home that is not insulated or sealed, the volume of air moving within the walls and ceilings can be staggering. To resolve these issues, sort of performing an entire renovation where all walls and ceiling spaces are insulated, you have the following options:

1. Any unfinished walls or ceiling areas in the attic should be insulated. It may be necessary to cut through finished walls to get to some areas if access doors are not provided to get into any crawl spaces.

2. If funding permits, have insulation blown into all exterior walls.

3. In the basement where the top of the basement wall ends and the first floor wall begins, insulate and seal these spaces.

4. If you have a closed-in front or back porch, consider making this a true thermal barrier by insulating its walls and ceiling.

The bottom line is that there are inexpensive methods and ideas to reduce your heating and cooling costs, even if you have an older home. Start by doing just one room at a time and work your way down from the attic. Whether you have the finances to do this in a week, a month or a year, make it a point to do it and you will save countless dollars beyond what you spend, plus you will have helped make our planet a little bit greener.

David Nelmes is a published author and home energy inspector in Pennsylvania, specializing in the fields of Heating and Air Conditioning, Electrical Wiring and Interiors/Insulation. Career highlights include authoring 'The Rewards of Making Energy Efficient Choices'. You can visit his websites at: and



The Role of Energy Efficiency in Industry

Copyright © 2010 Jamie Lyons

With energy bills increasing on a regular basis, and environmental concerns at the forefront of public conscience, many companies are looking to minimise resource wastage as much as possible.

The issue of energy efficiency and it's contribution to the wider problem of climate change can not be underestimated. Ever increasing numbers of firms are making sustainability pledges in order to maintain a positive public image and also prepare for expected changes in legislation which will financially penalise companies that unduly waste resources or damage the environment. In conjunction with the positive benefits to profit to be garnered from minimised fuel bills, the argument for pro-active steps to minimise energy wastage is a particulalry compelling one.

One of the most effective means of reducing energy wastage is the prevention of heat loss in industrial environments. Although the general focus in this field is upon insulation, there are numerous circumstances in which other solutions must be sought to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

In many industrial environments set temperatures need to be maintained, and often these areas encounter a high level of footfall: as a consequence of the comings and goings of personnel, heating or cooling systems regularly must operate above their most efficient levels to maintain a constant temperature. Simply using doors between rooms of different temperature is an ineffective means of maintaining this constant, as every time the door is opened large quantities of cool or warm air enter the controlled temperature zone. With this in mind another solution must be sought to prevent heat loss in regularly accessed areas.

As is often the case, the simplest solution is the most effective means of reducing the impact of the problem of heat loss: PVC strip curtains. Strip curtains allow ease of access for those wishing to pass between temperature controlled zones whilst simultaneously retaining heat and minimising the entry of airborne contaminants.

The ultimate upside of the reduced heat loss attributable to the installation of PVC strip curtains is the environmental benefit. Many industrial processes are by their very nature likely to impact upon the environment, it is however the duty of the manufacturers to ensure that this impact is kept to an absolute minimum. By the implementation of seemingly minor steps against energy wastage, such as the installation of PVC strip curtains, companies can show that they do pay attention to environmental concerns and reduce their carbon footprint as well as their energy overheads.

Written by Jamie Lyons of Web Vitality SEO Manchester working on behalf of Camthorne PVC Strip Curtains



Solar Power Panels Are Only For Aesthetics - Right Or Wrong?

A solar power panel produces electricity by utilizing energy from solar radiation. Each photovoltaic (PV) cell is able to convert solar energy into electron movement, thereby generating electricity.

Technology has enabled solar cells to produce electricity even on cloudy days. The intensity of UV light on these days is sufficient for most photovoltaic panels to work. This was not possible before.

Converting solar energy into electricity is as straightforward as installing PV panels on your roof or backyard. You can choose to depend entirely on renewable energy, or use it to supplement the electricity supply from your local power company.

Another way to utilize solar energy is to have solar water heaters to warm up your home or water. These often accompany photovoltaic panels. They accumulate heat in their panels and prevent them from escaping into the surrounding. Heat is forced to flow into the water, heating them up. This simple and affordable device can save you a lot of money on heating bills.

Advantages Of Installing Solar Power Panels

There are many advantages to installing a solar power panel on your roof. Depending on where you reside, if you have sufficient sun exposure, a complete solar home design may work out very well for you. Very often your local power station will buy back the excess energy that your photovoltaic panels generate. As the power meter runs forward you are charged for each kilowatt of power used. But when your power runs backward, money flows into your bank account.

What does all these really mean to you? The more power you can harness from the sun, the more money you will save. If you can only save $200 per month, you'll accumulate a whooping $24,000 in ten years. Realistically, if you take inflation and interest into consideration, the actual amount is larger.

More than just dollars and cents, solar energy panels can help us save our environment. Global warming and pollution problems are already causing damage to the earth on a worldwide scale. Burning fossil fuel contributes to the acceleration of this destruction. Until we turn to renewable energy, our environment will go toward decadence. The effect will be drastic and our children will have to face the consequences of our irresponsibility.

So, there are economical and environmental benefits to installing a solar power panel at home. Since solar panels can last for decades, we'll probably not be the only ones who will enjoy the benefits. Our children will grow up remembering how their parents made a smart move to invest in renewable energy.

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Solar Panel Kits - 3 Compelling Reasons To Use Them

Solar panel kits are increasingly popular with DIY hobbyists in the past years. Perhaps increasing energy costs drives many of them to look for an alternative source of energy. It could also be due to a heightened awareness of the need to preserve the environment for our posterity. Whatever it may be, with solar panel kits, even an amateur can quickly set up a solar power generator at his home to run small electrical appliances.

While such panels will probably not supply the entire energy needs of your household, it certainly helps to reduce your electricity bills. There are 3 compelling reasons why you should be using solar panel kits:

1. Using Renewable Energy Preserves Our Environment

The use of fossil fuel causes tons of pollutants to be released into the atmosphere every day. Young children and elderly people are more susceptible than others. People with health problems such as asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution and the development of the internal combustion engine, people have been breathing in carbon particles and other harmful gases everyday. But our environment can be made cleaner in our generation if more of us use renewable energy in our daily lives.

2. They Help Cut Your Energy Bills

Besides helping the environment, solar energy can supplement your household energy needs. This helps reduce your electricity bills. With enough solar panels running for you, the savings can be substantial - you may even cut your bills in half. For example, estimates show that with renewable energy sources, the average family in New Hampshire can save up to $171 in utility bills.

3. Energy Can Be Available Anywhere

It is expensive and resource draining to run power cables to remote places. Whether you are in the middle of a desert or on an abandoned island, you can still produce electricity for yourself as long as the sun shines. With enough solar panels and with the help of an energy bank, your appliances can work anytime of the day, when you require them.

There is also no limit to the applications your solar energy kit can power -- water heaters, satellites, outdoor lights, gate openers, et cetera. The only limitation lies in our willingness to use them.

In the United States, people receive government tax breaks when they make use of renewable energy. This really encourage us to make use of solar, wind and geothermal energy to power our homes. Many corporations are also relying less on fossil fuel as they realize the harmful consequence of burning these toxic-releasing substances. Building solar panels from solar panel kits is one good way you can personally take environmental and energy concerns into your own hands.

John Greenspan is an expert in homemade solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Make Your Own Homemade Solar Panels...And Destroy Your Electricity Bills!

Do you know that you can design your own homemade solar panels for a fraction of the cost of commercial panels? If you enjoy a little hands-on work and do not mind following simple instructions from a guide written by experts, DIY solar energy panels may be the best option for you.

The advantages of using solar energy are numerous. One of my favorite is you can dramatically reduce your carbon footprint by relying much lesser on fossil fuel. This also means you save much more on your monthly energy bills. As a result, you can have more disposable cash every month that would otherwise go to your local power company.

If you were to install solar energy panels by engaging a company, it would easily cost you more than $25,000 for a complete setup. Very few consumers are willing or able to pay for this expense. And most will remain unconvinced to use solar power when they find out the payback period takes more than a decade - it is simply too long.

To start making your own homemade solar energy panels, you can simply get a DIY solar power guide to educate yourself -- and these guides are becoming very popular nowadays. The satisfaction of improving your home and your financial life will be worth the time and effort to get a project completed.

Thankfully the whole process of making your own solar power generator is a relatively easy one, from start to finish. If you have the time, you can build your entire solar generator setup all in one go...or you can break it up into smaller sessions, perhaps building one panel every weekend.

Simple skills are needed -- you have to learn soldering and tabbing. Surprisingly, these skills are really easy to learn once you know a few insider tips on how to do it.

The design of your homemade solar energy generator will be made up of several smaller photovoltaic panels. Each panel will generate a small amount of electricity, and several of these combined will be able to supply your entire household with power. Solar power generators need very little maintenance - a true set-and-forget system that puts money into your pocket every month. What you are really building is an asset that will work hard for you as long as the sun shines.

With oil demand going up and fuel supply running dry, our world will soon be depleted of its fossil fuel. This will push the price of fuel to astronomical prices. But you'll not be affected. Because you can build solar panels to bring your house off-grid so you do not need to depend too much on fossil fuel.

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Compact Florescent Lighting the Untold Advantages

Its pays to be green and environmental. Energy conservation and green house gas reduction are key. New technology and technologies are coming on-board all the time. The new phosphor florescent are available as standard screw in socket bulbs and in round energy saving circular forms. On top of that real cost savings really add up. Gasoline , transportation and heating costs are guaranteed to go up all the time. Its a fact of life. You can count on it.

But how to reduce these power bills - heating and lighting? CFL bulbs will definitely save home and cottage real estate owners over the short and long run. However care and maintenance of the units is essential as well. For example repeated switching of CFL light bulbs can result in damage to the CFL bulbs themselves as well as reduced overall life span and duration. It is just common sense. Yet its confusing . The power of the bulbs is not measured or verified in the standard 40 , 60 , 100 watt capacity ratings. Any savings on your household and property budget's part will sure up quickly. On top of that never forget the great powers of compound interest. Switch to the newer type of bulb - ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs - that is CFLs. Everyone likes to save money out of their pocketbook and wallet. With the money saved you can perhaps put a down-payment towards summer vacation real estate or perhaps upgrade your furnace as well to one of the newer high efficiency furnace models. It is estimated that the lifespan duration of the new improved models is up to 15 times in time length in direct comparisons. There is one concern and even problem with Compact Florescent CFL lamps. CFLs must not be disposed of by simply throwing into the dumpster or trash can. Your local municipality, city or state government will have allocated and informed the public , in the local newspaper and media of selected designated approved disposal areas. CFLs, like computer LCD monitors , contain small amounts of the toxic elemental substance - mercury, which can be hazardous to the environment if not disposed of properly according to strict rules , guidelines and supervision by trained staff.

Why sit in the dark and be dreary. Get on with life. The old joke used to be how many grandmothers does it take to change a light bulb ? The answer is only one. Its ok I will sit in the dark , alone by myself and it will be fine and dandy. Various colorants are used in the manufacturing process. You can choose across a full chroma of tinges and pigmentations. Look at the end aisles of local retailers for introductory deals , promotions and coupons for this most desirable product - As well the CFL Compact Fluorescent lighting setups can be safely used in outdoor surroundings and environments. However its always best to place the sealed unit itself inside a fixture to protect it from the winter's elements - be it snow in the cold Manitoba wintertime. Pleasant yet vivid colourations like cool white or daylight lighting shades are ideal for locations that need illumination to point out details in revealing materials. It is simple to install the new bulbs. All in easy its as easy or pie. Next in line will be potato powered light bulbs to both illuminate and heat your home. Nor do you need to hire an electrician or tradesman. In most cases it's a simple case of bulb replacement. You can replace bulbs from other fixtures. Read the insert that came with the package. CFLs may work in rain, hail and snow. They are designed to even work in the cold Canadian wintertime at -18 degrees Celsius ( equivalent to zero degrees Fahrenheit). However if temperatures dip below the - 20 degrees C range life span reduction on the lamps may occur. Although you can buy no name brands at your local discount store or perhaps online on eBay its best to stick to well known brands with a solid reputation and warranty on their product. 3 years warranty is a good term.

Why wait for spring? Reduce , reuse and recycle are the buzzwords of the new environmentally aligned generation. Sustainability of our environment is the watchword. It is each of our own vital responsibility to do our part to reduce CO2 global warming toxic gasses which are eating away at the ice poles with global warming trends. It's a no brainer. Newer technology overall is always better and more fuel and energy efficient. Out with the old - in the new.

Terry S. Vostor Manitoba Real Estate Online Gimli Lake Winnipeg Cottages Online



Guides For Building Home Solar Power Systems -- What To Look Out For Before Buying

If you have been reading DIY magazines, you'll probably come across articles on DIY home solar power and guides that can help you build your own solar energy panels at home. Since these instructional guides are getting very popular nowadays, publishers have massively reproduced similar materials everywhere.

While many of these instructional guides are useful, some are just a bag of bones - dry and useless. After much digging and some personal mistakes, I've distilled for you some points to take note so you can identify what products to buy and what to avoid. These qualities are what excellent instructional guides should provide:

1. Simple, Step-By-Step Instructions

The best materials serve only the meat - no fillers and dry theories - only what's applicable and necessary. And they present the material in a methodical fashion so your logical brain can grasp the information while your right brain can get creative to design a homemade solar energy panel that suits you. It feels almost as if the expert himself is there to guide you along.

2. Instructional Videos Clips

The minimum an instructional guide should have are pictures and photos that illustrate its point. Good guides provide you with videos to bring you into the next level of engagement as you work on your project. This helps to re-emphasize important points and eliminate errors that might occur due to a lack of understanding.

3. Money-Back Guarantee

Many products you buy on the Internet have money-back guarantee. This is the beauty of getting stuff online. You should expect good instructional guides to offer this as well. This speaks volumes about a company's confidence in their own product too.

4. Technical support

While you seldom need to use technical support, you may have lingering questions that stop you in your tracks in the midst of your project. Experts can answer your questions to impart you with knowledge and (more importantly) confidence so you can continue your DIY adventure.

You'll most probably build a solar energy panel for less than $200. With it, you can harness solar energy for free. Using a number of these panels, you can supply your entire household using solar power -- this is a long-term solution for expensive electricity bills that will always go up due to inflation. Therefore building a DIY home solar power is one of the best investments you can make for your family and yourself. Go pick up one of these guides and start taking some action today!

John Greenspan is an expert in homemade solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Homemade Solar Panels - Can Instructional Guides Help You?

Homemade Solar Panels - Can Instructional Guides Help You?
Many homeowners who can handle simple tools are interested in
building homemade solar panels. After reading about these
nifty devices, they are motivated to build one for
themselves to save thousands of dollars every year on energy
bills. Naturally, they start by searching for more
information in libraries, bookstores and on the Internet.

You are probably reading this because you, too, want to make
your own solar energy panel. Perhaps you have also figured
out that a good instructional guide can guide you along.

With a DIY solar energy panel guide, you can shorten your
learning curve dramatically. Within days, you can acquire
the knowledge needed for choosing photovoltaic materials,
building up the parts and installing your solar panels.
You'll experience a quantum leap in your DIY ability. Most
importantly, you'll also learn to deal with the hazards and
dangers of installing your own panels.

Naturally, you'll want to buy the best guide possible
without burning a hole in your pocket. But have you ever
though...what makes an instructional guide good? When I
engage in serious research on any topic, I'll always look
for the author who is an expert in his field and has
personally practiced what he preached. Only then can I be
sure his method work. However, this is not enough...he may
not be very apt at teaching his craft. This expert must
share his wealth of knowledge in a manner that a novice or
total newbie can understand. His years of effort and insight
must be distilled into easily digestible, bite sized
knowledge that is also enjoyable.

Recently, a few old-time experts have emerged to share their
wealth of knowledge about renewable energy. Fueled with
passion to teach the world to preserve the environment, they
have put together fail-proof instructional materials that are
easy to understand. Inside the material, complex knowledge is
distilled into step-by-step instructions, fully illustrated
diagrams and engaging video clips. Even folks with no DIY
experience can follow along and build their own solar power
generator in just a few days.

These step-by-step guides essentially equip you with all the
knowledge you require. You'll also get to learn the inside
scoop on where to get parts that are cheap and good.

In the recent past, the only reliable way to install solar
panels in your home is to go for commercially available
panels. These cost at somewhere between $30,000 to $40,000
for a full installation. Perhaps this is within your
reach...yet there is a better solution if you are interested
in saving a little money... You can learn to build your own
solar energy panels!

By building your own homemade solar panels you can save
thousands on your solar power system and slash your energy
bills for good.

About the Author:

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build
several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you
interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE
"How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>

Should Anyone Build Their Own Homemade Solar Panels?

Should Anyone Build Their Own Homemade Solar Panels?
Homemade solar panels can harness the abundant energy from
the sun and supply homes and offices with electricity. You
can make these solar energy panels at your own home using
simple tools and a little elbow grease.

Even if you have not handled any DIY projects before, you'll
have no problem following a simple guide to complete your
very first PV panel.

Some experts have thrown a number of "greenhorns" into the
deep end to see if they can build a solar energy panel by
following simple instructions. The result? All completed
their first photovoltaic panel in a weekend, although some
were a little slower.

It used to be the only people who converted to solar power
were staunch environmentalists. Times have changed. Using
solar energy has become mainstream and will continue to grow
in popularity and significance as the world desperately looks
for an alternative solution to fossil fuel.

After all, solar power is available everywhere and is found
in abundance. While it is possible to buy PV panels from
retailers, it can be very advantageous to build one
yourself. You can save almost 90% of the installation cost
and will also gain substantial knowledge in the midst of
your PV project. If you ever need more electricity for your
home in the future, you can always spend a little money and
some time to build your own source of electrical supply. You
can be self-sufficient and will not be at the mercy of your
local power company. And if you produce excess energy, many
electric companies will be happy to buy it from you.

With only a little investment and some elbow grease, you can
achieve the off-grid lifestyle. But this is not all. You are
really investing in the future of our environment and our
children's environment. The effect of burning less fossil
fuel results in lower carbon dioxide emission. You are also
protecting your family from the increase in fuel price.
Among many things that are certain, increase in fuel price
is ensured by inflation and the rapidly depleting fossil
fuel supply.

The government also encourages the use of sustainable energy
like solar power. You can receive incentives and tax breaks
when you use solar energy. So why don't you start building a
solar energy panel?

Homemade solar panels can be built with the help of an
instructional guide available from the Internet. Even if you
are a beginner, you can complete a project with ease,
achieving huge savings on your energy bills.

About the Author:

John Greenspan is an expert in do-it-yourself solar panels
and has build several solar power generators in his spare
time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick
up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Role of Energy Efficiency in Industry


The Role of Energy Efficiency in Industry
With energy bills increasing on a regular basis, and
environmental concerns at the forefront of public
conscience, many companies are looking to minimise resource
wastage as much as possible.

The issue of energy efficiency and it's contribution to the
wider problem of climate change can not be underestimated.
Ever increasing numbers of firms are making sustainability
pledges in order to maintain a positive public image and
also prepare for expected changes in legislation which will
financially penalise companies that unduly waste resources
or damage the environment. In conjunction with the positive
benefits to profit to be garnered from minimised fuel bills,
the argument for pro-active steps to minimise energy wastage
is a particulalry compelling one.

One of the most effective means of reducing energy wastage
is the prevention of heat loss in industrial environments.
Although the general focus in this field is upon insulation,
there are numerous circumstances in which other solutions
must be sought to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

In many industrial environments set temperatures need to be
maintained, and often these areas encounter a high level of
footfall: as a consequence of the comings and goings of
personnel, heating or cooling systems regularly must operate
above their most efficient levels to maintain a constant
temperature. Simply using doors between rooms of different
temperature is an ineffective means of maintaining this
constant, as every time the door is opened large quantities
of cool or warm air enter the controlled temperature zone.
With this in mind another solution must be sought to prevent
heat loss in regularly accessed areas.

As is often the case, the simplest solution is the most
effective means of reducing the impact of the problem of
heat loss: PVC strip curtains. Strip curtains allow ease of
access for those wishing to pass between temperature
controlled zones whilst simultaneously retaining heat and
minimising the entry of airborne contaminants.

The ultimate upside of the reduced heat loss attributable to
the installation of PVC strip curtains is the environmental
benefit. Many industrial processes are by their very nature
likely to impact upon the environment, it is however the
duty of the manufacturers to ensure that this impact is kept
to an absolute minimum. By the implementation of seemingly
minor steps against energy wastage, such as the installation
of PVC strip curtains, companies can show that they do pay
attention to environmental concerns and reduce their carbon
footprint as well as their energy overheads.

About the Author:

Written by Jamie Lyons of SEO
Manchester, working on behalf of
PVC strip curtains.

Solar Panels For Homes - Do-It-Yourself Or Professional Installation Help?


Solar Panels For Homes - Should You Use Professional Installation Help Or Do-It-Yourself?

After getting the solar panels for your home, the next event decision you have to make is to either hire a professional to install the panels on your roof or do it yourself. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages, naturally, and I'll lay them before you in this short article. You can then make an informed decision to hire a professional...or not.

A quick search on your local directory or the Internet reveals numerous companies that offer professional installation. The cost of hiring them varies from state to state so be sure to check out different retailers and ask for their price and scope of service.

The advantage of getting a contractor to install your solar energy panels includes completeness and warranty. Professionals seldom miss out steps or materials needed for proper installation. Even if they do, they are obliged to return to your property to amend their mistakes. There will often be warranty for the workmanship and materials provided.

The downside of paying for a contractor is its high cost. Not only are you paying for the worker's time, you're also paying for part of the salary of his boss who sits in the air-conditioned office. Obviously they have to cover their overheads, and their customers have to for this. Cost is a big issue. Because if you're shelving out about $25,000 for the entire installation, your panels will most likely take more than 10 years to pay for itself. Most folks are not willing to wait this long.

Yet if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and apply a little elbow grease, you can do the entire job yourself. What's needed is a checklist to ensure completeness and knowledge so you can take care of your own "warranty" issues.

You'll first need to check whether your home is suitable for installation. Since you're probably living in the northern hemisphere, your solar panels have to face southward. Thus you'll need a south-facing roof and an area with little tree cover. Then you'll need solar mounts to fix the panels on the roof. After you're done, the cables must be laid to the inverter so direct current (DC) can be converted to alternating current (AC).

Installation details can be found in step-by-step instructional materials made by experts. They'll not only take you through the whole process, you'll be able to see how they do it as well. These guides come with videos so there is very little chance for you to make mistake. There will also be tips on where to get good quality yet dirt-cheap parts for your project.

If you have much cash to spare and want a hassle-free installation, get the professionals. But if you're someone who can follow simple instructions and don't mind a little hassle, then install the panels yourself. As such, you can recover your upfront investment much sooner.

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Ambit Energy - The Power Of Opportunity


Ambit Energy - The Power Of Opportunity

One of today's better-known, young (founded in November 2006) and successful companies practicing multi-level marketing is Ambit Energy. One eye-catching fact is that Ambit Energy does not sell the usual retail merchandise.

Rather, Ambit Energy sells a unique product - electric power. It is one of today's many retail electricity providers in the U.S. where power had been deregulated in such states as Texas, Illinois, and New York.

The mini-boom in the power industry (buying and selling of electric energy) may have been triggered by the demand for power after the deregulation. Consumers realized that they can switch energy service providers and save money as well.

In Texas alone, Ambit is only one of over 40 retail electric providers in the state selling retail residential and commercial electricity.

Residential customers in Texas (the leading model state for deregulation and the world's 11th largest electricity markets) shell out a whopping $24 billion dollars annually. Most of these customers may not be aware that theirs is the highest rate in the market.

Ambit comes in with the promise of savings and income-earnings as well.

Making money

Just like the standard multi-level marketing style, the business model that Ambit Energy has adopted may have been a successful choice. This can be seen from the number of Independent Consultants (that is how their representatives are called) they have and the volume of business they have accumulated.

The MLM template that they have adopted had been modified by the company to make it attractive and lucrative to their potential salespeople.

The Ambit energy consultant can choose several ways to earn, and all of them can build up to a rewarding amount of earnings.

One is customer gathering. In the first 12 weeks, a consultant can earn up to $400 simply by collecting customers. One sweetener is that the consultant can be counted as one, a website can stand for 2, and those customers that have already enrolled but have not transferred yet are counted too.

Next is team building bonuses. You earn $100 every time you sponsor a new marketing consultant (MC) and help that consultant enroll at least 4 customers in the 1st four weeks.

In the customer residual income, the company will pay you for every active customer through six levels. You will be paid with the amount of energy your customers use, which can be substantial cumulatively.

When new consultants join your group, you will also receive monthly residual bonuses on their customers through unlimited levels. This is called customer residual bonuses. The bonuses vary from fifty cents to two dollars for every customer, and these are paid to you monthly.

Finally, leadership in the company is rewarded by way of consultant leadership bonuses. When you qualify to a new leadership level, the rewards get bigger. The bonuses can go up to $240 for every new marketing consultant that enrolls four customers in their first four weeks.


Deregulation in the energy sector has driven competition among the energy service providers and suppliers. This, in turn, has driven up competition in getting people to gather customers in the sector by way of multi-level marketing.

To date, Ambit Energy has gathered both detractors and admirers in their business ways, specifically in attracting customers. Meantime, demand for energy is growing.

Now, a perfect plan would have to contain a perfect MLM marketing strategy, wouldn't it? Ambit Energy is laying out the perfect opportunity. So to create the lead flow essential to grow your business with a killer marketing strategy and a mentor that can guide you through the internet world. Take action now! Gain from this growing trend of online MLM Marketing strategies and give yourself an unfair advantage.



Setting Up And Installation A Basic Solar Panel System


A Basic Solar Panel System - Setting Up And Installation

With a basic solar panel system, you can save thousands of dollars on energy bills every year. While many folks dream of living in a solar powered home to experience the off-grid lifestyle, not many achieve it. This is because few really know what to do to get there.

There are 2 main ways to setup solar energy panels in your home - by engaging professionals or doing it yourself. If you have cash to spare and do not mind the long payback period of commercial solar energy panels, engaging professionals is the ideal way to go.

But if you want the most bang for your buck and want your solar panels to pay for itself in a much shorter period, the DIY route serves you well.

Setting up a complete solar power generator at home requires about $35,000 to $40,000. You only need a fraction of this cost in order to get do-it-yourself solar energy panels pumping electricity for your home. With less than $200, you can build a piece of photovoltaic panel that can last for more than two decades. This component can be built using simple tools and commonly available materials like wood, glass and masonite boards.

The number of photovoltaic panels you have to build depends on the size of your system. In order to size up your solar power system, you'll have to sum up the total energy consumption of your home. From this estimate, you'll also be able to know the specification of different photovoltaic components you need.

After the setup is completely built, it is time to install your solar energy panels. You need a south-facing roof so as to capture the most sunlight throughout the day. You also need to ensure these solar energy panels are not blocked by vegetation. The slightest shade can cause a drastic drop in voltage output.

In order to determine the best position for your photovoltaic panels, you may need a solar pathfinder. This clever tool enables you to read (at one glance) the shading condition at the area of your choice. You'll then know if your intended installation site is suitable for solar electricity generation.

If you want to build your own basic solar power system, a DIY instructional manual can help you get started. You'll be able to learn where to get cheap and good materials, as well as techniques that only professionals know. You'll also learn what to do when you get into a rut.

Alternatively, if you know an expert, he can guide you along. But not too many of us know someone like that. Therefore an instructional manual is one good resource that helps you save thousands on your solar energy panels.

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Home Solar Power System Guides -- Essentials To Look Out For


Home Solar Power System Guides -- Essentials To Look Out For
If you have been reading DIY magazines, you'll probably come
across articles on DIY home solar power and guides that can
help you build your own solar energy panels at home. Since
these instructional guides are getting very popular
nowadays, publishers have massively reproduced similar
materials everywhere.

While many of these guides are useful, some are just a bag
of bones - dry and useless. After much digging and some
personal mistakes, I've distilled for you some points to
take note so you can identify what products to buy and what
to avoid. These qualities are what excellent instructional
guides should provide:

1. Simple, Step-By-Step Instructions

The best materials serve only the meat - no fillers and dry
theories - only what's applicable and necessary. And they
present the material in a methodical fashion so your logical
brain can grasp the information while your right brain can
get creative to design a homemade solar energy panel that
suits you. It feels almost as if the expert himself is there
to guide you along.

2. Instructional Videos Clips

The minimum an instructional guide should have are pictures
and photos that illustrate its point. Good guides provide
you with videos to bring you into the next level of
engagement as you work on your project. This helps to
re-emphasize important points and eliminate errors that
might occur due to a lack of understanding.

3. Money-Back Guarantee

Many products you buy on the Internet have money-back
guarantee. This is the beauty of getting stuff online. You
can expect good instructional guides to offer this as well.
This speaks volumes about a company's confidence in their
own product too.

4. Technical support

While you seldom need to use technical support, you may have
lingering questions that stop you in your tracks in the midst
of your project. Experts can answer your questions to impart
you with knowledge and (more importantly) confidence so you
can continue your DIY adventure.

You'll most probably build a solar energy panel for less
than $200. With it, you can harness solar energy for free.
Using a number of these panels, you can supply your entire
household using solar power -- this is a long-term solution
for expensive electricity bills that will always go up due
to inflation. Therefore building a DIY home solar power is
one of the best investments you can make for your family and
yourself. Go pick up one of these guides and start taking
some action today!

About the Author:

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build
several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you
interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE
"How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>

Trading Energy Futures Like The Gasoline, The Heating Oil & The Natural Gas Can Make You A Fortune


Trading Energy Futures Like The Gasoline, The Heating Oil & The Natural Gas Can Make You A Fortune
We all know the importance of oil for the global economy. In
the summer of 2008 when crude oil prices skyrocketed from
$60-70 to more than $140 per barrel in a matter of just few
months, the global economy came to a screeching halt. Energy
is the driver of any economy. When energy prices go up, the
cost of living increases and inflation takes hold of the
economy. Energy will be the focal point of the global
economy for many many decades. Without energy no economy can
function. Imagine passing this winter without heating oil
heating your house. This should tell you the importance of
energy in our lives. Trading energy futures like crude oil,
heating oil, gasoline and natural gas has made many people a
fortune. The good thing is that you too can trade these
futures and profit from something that is the get more and
more important in the forseeable future.

The world's largest energy futures exchange is the New York
Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). NYMEX trades futures contracts
for crude oil, natural gas, heating oil, gasoline, coal,
electricity and propane. Visiting the NYMEX website can give
you a lot of useful information about calendars and the
margin requirements for each contract.

For smaller traders, NYMEX also offers e-mini versions of
these contracts for oil and natural gas with much lower
margin requirements. These e-mini oil and gas futures
contracts also get traded on the GLOBEX network of Chicago
Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Oil is the center of the universe not only for the industry
and the overall economy but also the financial markets. Oil
prices and interest rates usually move in the same
direction. Rising oil prices leads to inflation in the
economy. Rising inflation forces Central Banks to increase
interest rates. Then there is the peak oil theory that says
that all the known oil wells have been dug and we have
entered a period of decreasing oil supply coupled with
increasing demand. In the next decade, oil prices are going
to skyrocket.

Energy demand especially for heating oil, natural gas and
gasoline is extremely seasonal and cyclic in nature. In
winters, our houses need heating oil and natural gas for
heating purposes. During summers people tend to drive their
cars long distances on vacations.

During the spring, refineries switch production from heating
oil to gasoline. This brings a lull in oil prices as
production in most of the refineries slows down. Now as an
energy futures trader, you need to keep a close eye on the
US EIA (Energy Information Agency) and the API (American
Petroleum Institute) weekly supply data reports. These
reports give key insight into the supply situation of these

In addition to trading crude oil futures, you can trade
gasoline futures as well as heating oil futures. Gasoline
accounts for half of the US oil consumption. Gasoline prices
tend to follow the crude oil prices. So going long on crude
oil futures and short on gasoline futures can be a good

About the Author:

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[article_announce] Why is Enterprise Carbon and Energy Management Critical?


Why is Enterprise Carbon and Energy Management Critical?
The Kyoto Protocol signing has paved the way in transforming
the world into a different place for governments around the

The scope of this problem is already well defined at the
present and specifications on scopes pf responsibilities has
already been set. The new US administration is already bound
to address environmental issues more effectively.

Today, as the role of business in the play of climate change
is the subject of much attention, enterprise carbon and
energy management systems are in the process of becoming key
management tools.

Corporate practices and methodologies are always changing
and dependence on sophisticated platforms and interaction
among diverse stakeholders are increasing. We live in a very
aware society, one in which media and communication has
evolved beyond all recognition. No organization can keep its
head stuck in the sand when it comes to climate related
issues and each company must take responsibility for its

ECEM systems will be able to forge companies to make a stand
and be included in the new carbon economy. We have already
seen significant efforts, led by the UK's CRC Energy
Efficiency scheme, to require organizations to purchase
their right to emit carbon. In a very short space of time,
the carbon footprint has emerged from the realm of public
relations to become the subject of a tradable commodity,
core to an organization's very existence.

While progress in the United States may be a little slower,
legislation is on the table and may result in a carbon "cap
and trade" program as early as 2010, but more likely 2011.
We have already seen the willingness of Pres. Obama to focus
on core sustainability, as his executive order is now causing
federal agency chiefs to hurriedly define their agency
emissions, understand sustainability and plan for
reductions. Forward thinking organizations should be able to
see the possibility that these initiatives will become
mandatory in the near future.

Enterprises really need powerful solutions which will be
able to provide the needed information and material to
succeed. There are already upcoming Enterprise Carbon and
Emissions Management Systems.

Carbon trading, in and of itself, can represent a threat or
opportunity, depending on how you view it and how prepared
you are. It is certain that highly accurate data will be
required and that this will require a thorough analysis of
the business lifecycle. Asset performance must be optimized,
understood and recordable, as at the core of enterprise
carbon and energy management systems. It is no longer
acceptable to "do-it-yourself" using any number of hybrid
calculations and approaches. The integrated system must
anticipate the information that will be required and provide
it in timely fashion.

Many systems provider like Verisae offer platforms which can
help address enterprise carbon and energy management. The
Sustainability Resource Planning product gathers data from
assets across the distributed enterprise, drawing resources
together, providing real-time information on energy use,
efficiency and subsequent carbon emissions.

About the Author:

Enterprise energy management solutions provide distributed
enterprises with a comprehensive view of their entire energy
portfolio across all facilities, with data that can be linked
to specific assets at each facility and delivered to energy
managers anywhere in the world. Learn about Sustainability
Resource Planning (SRP) software from Verisae at

Residential Solar Power - Free Energy From The Sun Helps You Save On Energy Bills!


Residential Solar Power - Free Energy From The Sun Helps You Save On Energy Bills!
Residential solar power can be created by converting solar
radiation into other forms of energy that can serve your
household needs. Similar to other types of renewable energy,
solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly. On top of
this, solar energy is found in abundance and will not run out
for the next few million years.

Solar radiation can either be converted into electricity or
it can be used to heat up air and water. Heat that's
absorbed into air can be used to warm your room. Water
heated by solar radiation can be used for a hot shower or to
fill up your pool. When solar energy is converted to
electricity using solar panels, there is no limit to what
you can do with it. This is the most common way of tapping
solar power for residential use.

A solar (photovoltaic) panel typically consists of sections
of inter-connected semi-conductor cells. A cluster of such
panels, called an array, adds up the individual power
production to form higher energy.

Photovoltaic panels have to be placed in a location exposed
to direct sunlight. Very often, your roof is the ideal place
for solar panels to rest on. There, panels are kept out of
sight. And they are not sheltered by vegetation.

The light collected by photovoltaic panels is transformed
into electrical energy with the help of PV cells. Direct
current (DC) is generated, which are then converted into AC
current with the help of an inverter. When sufficient
electricity is generated from the sun, they are fed into the
mains to form a grid-tied system.

Homeowners with property in remote locations may often want
their solar power generators to be off-grid. As such, they
will need a storage bank to store electricity they can tap
on during the night.

In recent years, more and more homeowners have turned to
solar energy to bring down their ever-increasing electricity
bills. The major obstacle that prevents more homeowners to
use solar power is the cost. While it's true that
photovoltaic panels now cost only a tenth of what is used
to, a full setup still sets you back by at least twenty to
thirty thousand dollars.

Your dependence on fossil fuel can be reduced if cheaper
home solar panels are available. Fortunately, manufacturers
also make photovoltaic modules for sale to the public. You
can put these together to build your own residential solar
power panels at low cost and generate electricity for free!
However, there are many potholes on the road to success.
Having an expert to guide you along reduce your learning
curve and saves you from costly mistakes. Alternatively,
books written by experts help you avoid many frustrations

About the Author:

John Greenspan is an expert in DIY solar panels and has build
several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you
interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE
"How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>
