Monday, February 1, 2010

Home DIY Solar Panels

DIY solar panels can help you save money on energy bills and the cash-draining effects of inflation. This is the reason many households are beginning to turn to alternative sources of electricity for their homes. As a result, they save hundreds of dollars in energy bills.

A sustainable solution to provide our homes with energy is none other than using renewable energy (like solar and wind power). However, not every area has sufficient wind to sustain them and not every homeowner has the financial prowess to own a complete set of solar panels. Even a partial setup will cost money that most will not be able or willing to afford. Is there a good solution to this?

Just like car maintenance and house renovation, some folks would rather build solar energy panels themselves instead of hiring a contractor. This is an intelligent move that can save them lots of money for the little time they spend. In fact, the DIY trend is getting so strong many businesses are expanding to serve this market's needs.

When we use solar energy, we can increase the overall value of our home and make our environment cleaner at the same time. Our carbon footprint will get smaller and if we all use renewable energy for our homes and industry, issues such as global warming and pollution will be a thing of the past.

If you intend to build your own solar energy panel and have never done so before, you may want to get a good instructional guide so you can learn the fundamentals. There are many good guides on the Internet to help you along. These guides are simple to understand. Their content is distilled into step-by-step instructions that even a seventh-grader can follow. All you have to do is learn by doing the steps.

Within a weekend, you can build your first solar panel. As in all other DIY projects, you'll take some time to master it. Some projects even bear the risk of failure. But with DIY solar panels, you can almost always generate electricity with your very first panel. Using the tips and insider secrets in the instructional manual, you can most likely build a professional looking project too.

One of the smartest investments you can make is to build your own solar energy panel. Apart from getting a great return on investment, you can hedge against the rising cost of energy. Yet there is another investment better than this - a good DIY solar guide. A good guide will cost you less than $50, certainly. But with the information that you'll know, you can build solar energy panels at a fraction of what it would otherwise cost you. On top of that, you can avoid costly mistakes that will easily cost you thousands, not to mention the hours of wasted effort.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Ambit Energy - The Power Of Opportunity

One of today's better-known, young (founded in November 2006) and successful companies practicing multi-level marketing is Ambit Energy. One eye-catching fact is that Ambit Energy does not sell the usual retail merchandise.

Rather, Ambit Energy sells a unique product - electric power. It is one of today's many retail electricity providers in the U.S. where power had been deregulated in such states as Texas, Illinois, and New York.

The mini-boom in the power industry (buying and selling of electric energy) may have been triggered by the demand for power after the deregulation. Consumers realized that they can switch energy service providers and save money as well.

In Texas alone, Ambit is only one of over 40 retail electric providers in the state selling retail residential and commercial electricity.

Residential customers in Texas (the leading model state for deregulation and the world's 11th largest electricity markets) shell out a whopping $24 billion dollars annually. Most of these customers may not be aware that theirs is the highest rate in the market.

Ambit comes in with the promise of savings and income-earnings as well.

Making money

Just like the standard multi-level marketing style, the business model that Ambit Energy has adopted may have been a successful choice. This can be seen from the number of Independent Consultants (that is how their representatives are called) they have and the volume of business they have accumulated.

The MLM template that they have adopted had been modified by the company to make it attractive and lucrative to their potential salespeople.

The Ambit energy consultant can choose several ways to earn, and all of them can build up to a rewarding amount of earnings.

One is customer gathering. In the first 12 weeks, a consultant can earn up to $400 simply by collecting customers. One sweetener is that the consultant can be counted as one, a website can stand for 2, and those customers that have already enrolled but have not transferred yet are counted too.

Next is team building bonuses. You earn $100 every time you sponsor a new marketing consultant (MC) and help that consultant enroll at least 4 customers in the 1st four weeks.

In the customer residual income, the company will pay you for every active customer through six levels. You will be paid with the amount of energy your customers use, which can be substantial cumulatively.

When new consultants join your group, you will also receive monthly residual bonuses on their customers through unlimited levels. This is called customer residual bonuses. The bonuses vary from fifty cents to two dollars for every customer, and these are paid to you monthly.

Finally, leadership in the company is rewarded by way of consultant leadership bonuses. When you qualify to a new leadership level, the rewards get bigger. The bonuses can go up to $240 for every new marketing consultant that enrolls four customers in their first four weeks.


Deregulation in the energy sector has driven competition among the energy service providers and suppliers. This, in turn, has driven up competition in getting people to gather customers in the sector by way of multi-level marketing.

To date, Ambit Energy has gathered both detractors and admirers in their business ways, specifically in attracting customers. Meantime, demand for energy is growing.

Now, a perfect plan would have to contain a perfect MLM marketing strategy, wouldn't it? Ambit Energy is laying out the perfect opportunity. So to create the lead flow essential to grow your business with a killer marketing strategy and a mentor that can guide you through the internet world. Take action now! Gain from this growing trend of online MLM Marketing strategies and give yourself an unfair advantage.



Solar Panels For Homes - Get Professional Installation Help Or Do-It-Yourself?

After getting the solar panels for your home, the next event decision you have to make is to either hire a professional to install the panels on your roof or do it yourself. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages, naturally, and I'll lay them before you in this short article. You can then make an informed decision to hire a professional...or not.

A quick search on your local directory or the Internet reveals numerous companies that offer professional installation. The cost of hiring them varies from state to state so be sure to check out different retailers and ask for their price and scope of service.

The advantage of getting a contractor to install your solar energy panels includes completeness and warranty. Professionals seldom miss out steps or materials needed for proper installation. Even if they do, they are obliged to return to your property to amend their mistakes. There will often be warranty for the workmanship and materials provided.

The downside of paying for a contractor is its high cost. Not only are you paying for the worker's time, you're also paying for part of the salary of his boss who sits in the air-conditioned office. Obviously they have to cover their overheads, and their customers have to for this. Cost is a big issue. Because if you're shelving out about $25,000 for the entire installation, your panels will most likely take more than 10 years to pay for itself. Most folks are not willing to wait this long.

But if you are willing to apply a little elbow grease and handle simple tools, you can do the entire job yourself. What's needed is a checklist to ensure completeness and knowledge so you can take care of your own "warranty" issues.

You'll first need to check whether your home is suitable for installation. Since you're probably living in the northern hemisphere, your solar panels have to face southward. Thus you'll need a south-facing roof and an area with little tree cover. Then you'll need solar mounts to fix the panels on the roof. After you're done, the cables must be laid to the inverter so direct current (DC) can be converted to alternating current (AC).

Installation details can be found in step-by-step instructional materials made by experts. They'll not only take you through the whole process, you'll be able to see how they do it as well. These guides come with videos so there is very little chance for you to make mistake. There will also be tips on where to get good quality yet dirt-cheap parts for your project.

If you have much cash to spare and want a hassle-free installation, get the professionals. But if you're someone who can follow simple instructions and don't mind a little hassle, then install the panels yourself. As such, you can recover your upfront investment much sooner.

John Greenspan is an expert in homemade solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



Basic Home Solar Panel System - Setting Up And Installation

If you install a basic solar panel system, you can save thousands of dollars on energy bills annually. Although many folks dream of living in a solar powered home, not many achieve it. They are not able to experience the off-grid lifestyle. This is because most are clueless on how to get there.

There are 2 main ways to setup solar energy panels in your home - by engaging professionals or doing it yourself. If you have cash to spare and do not mind the long payback period of commercial solar energy panels, engaging professionals is the ideal way to go.

But if you want the most bang for your buck and want your solar panels to pay for itself in a much shorter period, the DIY route serves you well.

Setting up a complete solar power generator at home requires about $35,000 to $40,000. You only need a fraction of this cost in order to get do-it-yourself solar energy panels pumping electricity for your home. Using less than $200, you can build a photovoltaic panel that can last for more than two decades. This component can be built using simple tools and commonly available materials like wood, glass and masonite boards.

The number of photovoltaic panels you have to build depends on the size of your system. In order to size up your solar power system, you'll have to sum up the total energy consumption of your home. From this estimate, you'll also be able to know the specification of different photovoltaic components you need.

After the solar energy panel setup is completed, it is time to install your solar energy panels. You need a south-facing roof so as to capture the most sunlight throughout the day. You also have to ensure these solar energy panels are not sheltered by vegetation. The slightest shade can cause a drastic drop in voltage output.

In order to determine the best position for your photovoltaic panels, you may need a solar pathfinder. This clever tool enables you to read (at one glance) the shading condition at the area of your choice. You'll then be able to know if your intended installation site is suitable for solar electricity generation.

If you want to build your own basic solar power system, a DIY instructional manual can help you get started. You'll be able to learn where to get cheap and good materials, as well as techniques that only professionals know. You'll also learn what to do when you get into a rut.

Alternatively, if you know an expert, he can guide you along. But not too many of us know someone like that. Therefore an instructional manual is one good resource that helps you save thousands on your solar energy panels.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>



DIY Solar Panel Plans - The Ultimate Way to Build Solar Energy Panels

We do not have much choice when it comes to powering our home. All of us almost always have to depend on the local power station for electricity. But things are different now. Some homeowners began experimenting with their own solar energy panels to power their home.

While using solar energy panels can be a good alternative to traditional source of power, it is very expensive to install them. The average homeowner will not be able to afford an upfront investment of $35,000 to $40,000 on a complete set of solar power generator installation. Besides, it will take more than a decade for their investment to see any returns.

Times have changed. Homeowners are now exposed to more options than before. While professionals used to install almost all the solar energy panels we use, there is now a group of environmentalists (who are also DIYers) who want to make a difference. They created DIY instructional manuals so folks like you and me can build our own solar energy panels for our home.

These DIY solar panel plans are both affordable and easy to understand. The content reveals tips and insider secrets that were not known before to people outside the industry. The information is presented in step-by-step instructions replete with illustrations and video clips so there is very little chance you'll make any mistakes. Many of these products also come with technical support so you can direct your questions to experts who can solve your problem in no time.

As you begin building solar energy panels, it pays to start small. This helps you gain valuable experience that makes your next panel a better, more efficient one.

Using tips from instructional guides, you can build a solar energy panel for less than $200. Each panel produces a portion of electricity that can be combined so the total energy production is sufficient to power your entire home. Many smart homeowners choose to move toward their goal of going off-grid one panel at a time.

With each additional solar energy panel built, their electricity bill decrease further. Soon enough, their energy supply will be free.

You may even build more panels than you need. As such, surplus electricity is generated and your local power station may be happy to pay you for it. By building your own solar energy panels, you can save money every month on energy bills. Over the course of a year, you may perhaps have accumulated for yourself thousands of dollars that can be added to your retirement nest egg.

John Greenspan is an expert in residential solar panels and has build several solar power generators in his spare time. Are you interested in building DIY Solar panels? Pick up your FREE "How To Build Solar Panels" eBook at =>

